Download NDA Past Questions and Answers PDF for all Subjects

Download the latest NDA past questions and answers PDF for the 2025/2026 entrance exam. Prepare effectively with sample questions in English, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.

NDA Past Questions and Answers

Are you an aspiring candidate for the Nigeria Defence Academy (NDA) entrance exam? Secure your preparation by downloading the NDA past questions and answers PDF. These resources are essential for anyone planning to sit for the NDA 77 RC Form 2025/2026 entrance exam.

Why You Need NDA Past Questions

The NDA entrance exam can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can perform well. Our comprehensive NDA past questions and answers PDF will give you insights into the types of questions that will appear on the exam. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the format and increase your confidence before the test day.

The NDA exam questions are based on the course you selected during your registration. For example, if you are applying for a course like Cyber Security, your entrance exam will consist of several subjects, such as:

  • Use of English
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics

Don’t wait until the last minute! Access the NDA past questions and answers to boost your study routine and maximize your performance.

Sample NDA Past Questions

Take a look at some sample questions from previous NDA exams to understand the level of difficulty and prepare effectively.

English Language Sample Questions

Instruction: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

The rapid progress in science and technology has enabled humans to achieve feats that were once considered impossible. From discovering space to inventing life-saving technologies, scientific advancements have transformed our lives. However, these developments have also led to ethical dilemmas, particularly concerning the use of nuclear technology.

1) The phrase ‘for nearly a century implies that the events described happened.
A. after the present century
B. before the present century
C. at a time that includes the present century
D. before the development of science and technology

Answer is C

2) The words ‘conjectures’ and ‘hypothesis’ mean
A. guess-work B. production
C. Understanding D. conclusion

Answer is A

3) The inventors of nuclear energy justify for it by saying that it will
A. make people fear war and thus create peace
B. enable wars to be fought more effectively
C. provide a balance of power between war and peace
D. bring about a balance society in the world

Answer is A

4) The conclusion one can draw from the passage is that the direction of the development of science and technology
A. has confined to be of benefit to humanity
B. leaves nothing more to be invented or discovered
C. may lead man back to the earlier periods
D. has assumed some negative dimension

Answer is D

Chemistry Sample Questions

1) What is the mass of silver deposited when 96,500c of electricity is passed through a solution containing silver ions? (Ag = 108, IF = 96,500c).

A. 1.08g B. 5.40g C. 108g
D. 10.8g E. 21.6g

Answer is C

2) Which of these groups of metals react with cold water?
A. Mg, Zn and Fe B. Sn, Pb and Cu
C. Ca, Mg and Zn D. K, Na and Ca

Answers is D

3) Two radicative elements Q and S have half-life periods of 10 hours and 20 hours respectively. Therefore,
A. S decays faster than Q
B. Q is twice as stable as S
C. Q emits fewer particles than S
D. S is more stable than Q

Answers is D

4) Which of the following is often used to treat drinking water?
A. Oxygen B. Calcium carbonate
C. Fluorine D. Chlorine

Answers is D

Mathematics Sample Questions

1) Which of the following is not true
A. Cos (180 – ) = -Cos
B. Cos(180 + ) = – Cos
C. Cos (180- ) = Cos
D. none of the above

Answers is B

2) Which of the following is true about any rhombus
A. all the sides are equal
B. two diagonals cut at right angles
C. the angles are bisected by the diagonals
D. all of the above

Answers is D

3) In how many ways can six sit in a row of two particular ones into to sit next to each other.
A. 240 B. 480 C. 72 D. 360

Answer is C

4) Four persons whose names begin with different letters are placed in a row, side by side. The probability that they will be placed in alphabetical order from left to right is:
A.1/120 B. 1/24 C. 1/12 D. 1/20

Answers is B

Physics Sample Questions

1) A gold-leaf electroscope could be used to investigate whether the
A. intensity of electric field inside a closed conducting body is zero
B. air may be rendered conducting by x-ray
C. none of the above
D. an induced charge is equal and opposite to the inducing charge

Answers is D

2) A transistor is preferable to a triode value when used in an amplifier because it
A. can withstand larger changes in temperature
B. has a higher input impedance
C. does not require a heater current
D. can handle larger power

Answers is C

3) The force between two similar parallel wires is P when they carry a certain current, if the current is doubled and the distance between the wire is trebled; the new force between the wire is
A. 2/9F B. 4/9F C. 2/3F
D. 4/3F

Answers is D

4) A current of 500 mA produces isca1e deflection in a meter of internal resistance 5.O0hms. To adapt the meter to read up to 5A, if should be connected to a resistance of
A. 0.02 ohm in series B. 0.50 ohm in series
C. 0.56 ohm in series
D. 0.56 ohm in parallel

Answers is D

How to Download NDA Past Questions PDF

To get your copy of the NDA past questions and answers PDF, follow these simple steps:

1) Pay N2,000 (Two Thousand Naira) to the following account:

  • Account Name: Thompson Inyang Etete
  • Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank)
  • Account Number: 0341259937

2) Send your email address and depositor’s name via WhatsApp to 07085608069 once the payment is made, and we will send the NDA Past Questions PDF directly to your email.

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